Percuma PA Takaful Insurans di Halo Telco
Assalamualaikum & Salam Hormat kepada semua pengguna Halo Telco!
Kami ada berita baik kepada semua pengguna setia simkad Halo Telco. Anda ingin insurans percuma dari Halo Telco? Jangan risau, kami di Halo Telco sentiasa berikan yang terbaik kepada anda. Kini Halo Telco nak berikan secara Percuma sahaja Personal Accident (PA) Takaful Insurans untuk anda.
Bagaimana Nak Claim PA Insurans? Adakah Saya Layak atau Tidak?
Mudah sahaja! Anda hanya perlu topup atau tambah nilai minimum RM30 melalui aplikasi Halogo dan secara automatik anda layak mendapat Insurans Kemalangan secara percuma dari Halo Telco.
SEBAGAI CONTOH: Jika anda topup berlainan tarikh pada bulan Jun, anda akan dilindungi untuk bulan yang seterusnya iaitu bulan Julai (1st Julai – 31 Julai 2021. Hanya Tambah Nilai Di Aplikasi Halogo Sahaja.

Valid from 2021-04-15 until 2023-03-31
Good News for Halo Telco Subscriber
Now you will get protected with us just by performing top up as minimum as RM 30 only through Halo Go App .Then, you are automatically entitled to get Free Takaful Insurance PA from Halo Telco.
Worry not, you will just get this for free and there will be NO hidden charges added to your payment details. Let’s top up now and get FREE protection benefits !
Program Details :-
Period : Starting from 15th April 2021 until 31st March 2023
Eligibility : Any Halo Telco active user which top up min RM30 via Halo Go App. There will be no cooling-off period of member activation to get this free PA Takaful Insurance.
Coverage : One month.(As example, if you do top up min RM30 in any dates between 15th-30th April 2021, you will get coverage on the next whole month which is from 1st-31st May 2021)
Age Limit Coverage : For active user which over 12 years old up until NO max limit. Yes!! No maximum age limit as long as you still actively using the sim card. Its so wow for this such great offer !!
Belum ada simkad Halo Telco?
Anda ingin dilindungi PA takaful insurans secara percuma setiap kali anda tambah nilai? Klik link di bawah untuk dapatkan simkad Halo Telco. Sekeping simkad berharga hanya RM5 sahaja. Cukup murah!!
Hubungi Dealer Halo Telco
Sekiranya anda ada sebarang pertanyaan lanjut mengenai pendaftaran simkad dan pakej dealer Halo Telco, anda juga boleh hubungi admin melalui talian whats app di bawah.
Narul Erwan Shah bin Hasan
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